Users soon learned how to reverse-engineer the system, and began producing additional breedz, toys, playscenes, clothes, and developer tools for the games, as permitted by PF Magic, Mindscape, and Ubisoft Entertainment. Petz must be looked after properly abused or neglected petz may run away. Petz can learn tricks with positive rewards such as tickling and treats, or trained not to do something using the punishment (water) spray bottle. There are a number of toyz, food/water bowls and treats available. Cross-breeding can create different types of petz, called 'Mixed Breeds'. Adult petz can then breed and have kittens or puppies of their own in Petz 3, Petz 4, and Petz 5 (this was not available in the first two games). After around three days (real time) the petz become adults. Once they have found a pet they like the user can adopt and name the new puppy or kitten. The player starts at the Adoption Center, where they may choose a dog or cat to adopt of a breed and gender of their choosing. Petz has sold over 3 million copies worldwide, and appeals to both children and adults. First released before Tamagotchi, they were among the first 3D characters, rendered in a non-photorealistic cartoon style. Petz were the world's first virtual pets, and were shown to people to be revolutionary.

Petz (Dogz and Catz) is a series of games dating back to 1995, in which the player can adopt, raise, care for and breed their own virtual pets. Compare with the hexed Dane and Alley Cat on the right. To the left, a Great Dane (top) and Alley Cat (bottom) fresh out of the Adoption Center. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO Janna2000, SelfCloak or RRabbit42.

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